Glossary of Legal Terms
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Activities directed at rescue of human life and property, liquidation of fires
Dedicated technical equipment stipulated for provision of fire safety, including fire fighting equipment, tools, substances and life protection means, communication and management networks, computer software and databases, as well as other means on fire prevention
The system of agencies, forces and resources established for implementation of works on organisation of fire prevention and fire fighting, with emphasis on emergency response and rescue activities
Combination of organisational, economic, social, scientific, educational and propaganda measures that provide the safety of industrial facilities and areas, buildings, installations, territorial units, cities, regions and other settlements, prevention of fire occurrence and spread, efficient location and liquidation of fire, protection of human health and life, liquidation of hazardous factors of fire on people and environment, protection of assets and items of national heritage from fire destruction
Combined network of fire protection units and authorities, technical, research facilities and fire safety education schools
Rules for human behaviour, procedure on organisation of production and maintenance of buildings (areas) for the prevention of fire safety requirement violations and fire fighting
Tangible assets with a service life of more than one year, the value of which exceeds 100 times of conventional financial unit that are subject to amortization in accordance with Article 114 of this Code
Extraordinary and insurmountable in these conditions natural calamity (flood, earth-quake, landslide, etc.) or public accident (military operations, etc.)
Commodities other than those specified in paragraph 2 of this article, with the origin in foreign countries
a) money in the form of banknotes, Treasury notes and coins being in circulation which are legal payment means at the territory of respective country or group of countries and also those which have been withdrawn from circulation but can be exchanged for money in circulation at said territories;
b) resources in bank accounts in currency units of foreign countries, international monetary or settlement units.