From Margarita Popova, Vice President and General Secretary of Bulgarian Industrial Association
Her Excellency Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Dear Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva,
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations as you assumed great responsibility towards your people with your appointment as the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
This highest state position will give you strength, energy and inspiration to be useful to your country, to be loved by your people and to do large-scale works in political, cultural and social areas.
It will be my pleasure to continue to work with you to ensure peace and understanding among people, development of intercultural dialogue, strong communication among young people, and close economic ties between our two countries.
I wish you robust health and success. I am looking forward to a new event where I will have a chance to meet with you.
With friendly greetings,
Margarita Popova
Vice President and General Secretary of Bulgarian Industrial Association
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