President Ilham Aliyev allocates AZN 5mln for reconstruction of Azerbaijan State Drama Theater in Derbend

Baku, August 4,

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed an order on the reconstruction of the building of Azerbaijan State Drama Theater in Derbend city.

Considering the poor conditions in the theater building and the fact that equipment does not correspond to modern standards, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has been allocated AZN 5 million as an initial amount to reconstruct and reequip the building.

The Ministry of Finance is tasked to ensure the necessary amount of funding, and the Cabinet of Ministers is due to issues associated with the order.

First established as an amateur association in the early nineteenth century and late twentieth century in Derbend city, the Azerbaijan Drama Theater was given official status in 1904 and the status of state theater in 1934. The theater became more famous in different regions after works by outstanding Azerbaijani cultural figures such as Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Abdurrahim bey Haqverdiyev, Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli, Jafar Jabbarli, Samad Vurgun and others were performed at stage.

18 августа 2015, 10:08

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