H.E. Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America

Dear Mr. President,

I extend to you my most sincere congratulations and wish you strong health and happiness as you celebrate your birthday. Azerbaijan and the United States are bound together by the ties of friendship, cooperation and strategic partnership. Our active cooperation in the fight against global threats and terrorism, in ensuring energy security, in peacemaking mission in hot spots are the main factors of our partnership. Your contribution to the development of our bilateral relations and expansion of our mutual activities is valuable.

We also hope that the efforts of the United States, as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, and your personal efforts, Mr. President, towards ensuring the just and soonest peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will produce results.

On this remarkable day, I extend my best wishes to you, and wish you success in your activities for the well-being of the friendly people of America.

Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, 3 August 2015​

18 августа 2015, 10:08


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