To Orthodox Christian Community of Azerbaijan

Dear fellow countrymen!

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and the whole Christian community of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Holy Easter and wish each of you happiness, good health and prosperity.
In Azerbaijan, where moral values and tolerance traditions are being preserved, for centuries representatives of various nations and religions have lived together as a family in peace, mutual respect and confidence, and maintained their ethnic and cultural identity, language and culture. Azerbaijan, as historically, is the homeland for everyone who lives here regardless of their language, religion and ethnic origin.
I am pleased to note that all national and religious minorities in the country, including the Orthodox Christians, who occupy a special place in Azerbaijani society, make their worthy contribution to interethnic and inter-religious relations, civil society building, and are closely involved in all fields of our public, political and socio-cultural life.
The Easter, which coincides with beautiful spring days, embodies nobility, solidarity and compassion.
Once again on this auspicious day, I wish you holiday mood and your families happiness and prosperity.

Happy Easter,

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, April 10, 2015

6 мая 2015, 10:05

3471—3480 из 3607

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