His Excellency Mr. Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Dear Islam Abduganievich,

I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of your reelection as President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Your victory in the elections vividly testifies to the fact that the fraternal people of Uzbekistan support the coherent, consistent policy carried out by you for a long time.
Today Uzbekistan is confidently mowing forward along the path of strengthening independence and democracy, dynamic social and economic progress. Uzbekistan occupies a worthy place in the global community, its prestige in the international arena is growing.
Your contribution to the development and enhancement of the centuries-old traditions of good friendship, cooperation and mutual support between our peoples is highly appreciated in Azerbaijan.

I believe that multifaceted cooperation and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan will continue to comprehensively and consistently develop for the prosperity of our fraternal peoples and countries.

Dear Islam Abduganievich, I wish you good health, happiness and success in your further activities for the prosperity of the fraternal Uzbekistan.


Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, 31 March, 2015

6 мая 2015, 10:05


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