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медалью «Терегги»
Ахундова Мехмана Магсуд оглу
Ахмедову Ханым Нутвели гызы
Аскерову Айбениз Иман гызы
Исмаилова Магеррама Гасан оглу
Мамедову Гюльнару Аждар гызы
Мустафаева Селима Ибрагим оглу
Садыгова Захира Валех оглу
Салахова Ильхама Абдулла оглу
Сафарова Оруджа Иса оглу
Велиева Рафи Габибуллах оглу
медалью «За отличие на государственной службе»
Саттар-заде Расима Исрафил оглу
Ягубову Солмаз Бала-ага гызы
Зульфугарову Вафу Мухаммед гызы.
Ильхам Алиев
Президент Азербайджанской Республики
город Баку, 22 мая 2018 года.
23 May 2018, 08:0516 December 2022, 08:12
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Sharaf" Order to N.A. Pashayeva more...
12 April 2021, 21:04
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Erkan Ozoral more...
11 September 2020, 21:09
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to A.A. Likhanov more...
1 September 2020, 09:09
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to V.Y.Alakbarov more...
20 August 2020, 21:08
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Margherita Costa more...
1 April 2020, 23:04
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Shamil Ayrim more...
25 February 2020, 08:02
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Shohrat" Order to I.A.Ponomaryov more...
4 February 2020, 07:02
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding “Heydar Aliyev” Order to P.Bulbuloghlu more...
24 October 2019, 08:10
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on appointing A.H.Asadov as Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan more...
24 October 2019, 08:10
The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Heydar Aliyev" Order to R.A.Mehdiyev more...