Распоряжение Президента Азербайджанской Республики

О награждении медалью «Терегги» работников Национального агентства по разминированию территорий Азербайджанской Республики

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Аллахвердиева Шахина Кочари оглу

Асланова Адиля Гасан оглу

Бабаеву Фариду Фаррух гызы

Хагвердиева Беюкагу Расим оглу

Гусейнова Теймура Кавказ оглу

Махмудова Фехруза Бехбуд оглу

Мамедова Айдына Сулдуз оглу

Мамедова Мобиля Худуш оглу

Намазова Физули Идаят оглу

Поладова Самира Вагиф оглу

Садили Рияла Зульфигар оглу

Велиева Анара Халил оглу.


Ильхам Алиев

Президент Азербайджанской Республики


город Баку, 18 июля 2016 года.

19 July 2016, 09:07


1—10 of 75

16 December 2022, 08:12

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Sharaf" Order to N.A. Pashayeva   more...

12 April 2021, 21:04

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Erkan Ozoral   more...

11 September 2020, 21:09

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to A.A. Likhanov   more...

1 September 2020, 09:09

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to V.Y.Alakbarov   more...

20 August 2020, 21:08

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Margherita Costa   more...

1 April 2020, 23:04

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Dostlug" Order to Shamil Ayrim   more...

25 February 2020, 08:02

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Shohrat" Order to I.A.Ponomaryov   more...

4 February 2020, 07:02

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding “Heydar Aliyev” Order to P.Bulbuloghlu   more...

24 October 2019, 08:10

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on appointing A.H.Asadov as Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan   more...

24 October 2019, 08:10

The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On awarding "Heydar Aliyev" Order to R.A.Mehdiyev   more...