Glossary of Legal Terms
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Legal entity which submitted proposal for participation in tender following tender terms and possesses certain potential in this area
Summarizing of the elections results to Milli Majlis and to municipalities, specifying names of elected candidates and amount of votes for such candidates
Is any combination of graphically represented sign or signs, differing goods or services of one entrepreneur from the goods and services of another
Transportation of goods through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan between two frontier posts of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with procedures established by customs legislation
Is the representation of letters of one alphabet with letters of another alphabet
Stands for facilities transporting cargoes and people, including railway, air, motor, marine, internal water transportation facilities and city trains, metro, that came through state registration applied on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic in the fixed order, as well as main pipelines located on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
Stands for legal entity, operating in conformity with its foundation documents, which renders services of cargo, passengers and mail transportation, parking of transportation facilities, maintenance and repair, loading-unloading and port services
Monetary means and other assets which are to be used in production, turn-over and consumer areas for the period of one year or within normal operation period (if this period does not exceed 1 year). These shall include monetary means in cash and bank accounts, fast selling securities, debts, commodity stocks, raw materials, incomplete construction, manufactured products, current costs of future operation periods.
Creditor who is not secured and whose claims are settled in the fifth place in accordance with this Law
A physical or juridical person which granted the of usage of the water objects