Glossary of Legal Terms
341—350 of 444
Changes in the structure and in directions of activity of the enterprise made by its owner(s), administration of the enterprise or by their authorised representative by way of division of the enterprise’s property, its total or partial transfer to other economic bodies to satisfy creditors’ demands
Structure, defined as such under the Civil Code of the Azerbaijan Republic
Separated unit of the bank, which is not the legal person, located outside of the bank location, not entitled to be engaged in banking activities, representing and protecting its interests
Is an organisation (association), created by voluntary joining of employees to protect their labour, social, economic rights and legal interests, and operating on the basis of the Articles and corresponding legislation
Is a union or association, created by voluntary joining of employers to protect their social — economic rights, connected to business activity, and interests, elated to the relations of ownership, production and labour relations, and operating on the basis of Articles and corresponding legislation
Power sources which exist permanently or are continuously formed (the sun, wind, heat flows of the earth, bio-mass, ocean, water ways, etc.)
Special social and technical conditions established under legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic for the purposes of provision of fire safety
Physical persons having permanent place of residence in the Azerbaijan Republic, including those temporarily living outside the Azerbaijan Republic; legal entities of the Azerbaijan Republic and their subsidiaries and representations abroad; diplomatic and other official representations of the Azerbaijan Republic abroad
The original value of fixed assets less the amount of amortization calculated on this fixed assets
a) physical persons living permanently in the Azerbaijan Republic including those living temporarily outside the Azerbaijan Republic;
b) legal entities established according to legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic;
c) enterprises and organisations located at the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic which have been established according to legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic but have no status of legal entity;
d) diplomatic and other official representations of the Azerbaijan Republic located outside the Azerbaijan Republic;
e) subsidiaries and representations of residents mentioned in subparagraphs «b» and «c» of the present paragraph located outside the Azerbaijan Republic.