Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the application of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No 1051-IVQD dated 30 September 2014 “On the introduction of changes to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands”

Governed by Clause 19 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in order to ensure the application of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan No 1051-IVQD dated 30 September 2014 “On the introduction of changes to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands” due to its entry into force, I hereby resolve as follows:

1. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall:

1.1. Prepare within a period of three months and submit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan suggestions on aligning the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the introduction of changes to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands”;

1.2. Ensure within a period of three months and inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan about the aligning of regulatory acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the above-mentioned law;

1.3. Exercise control over the alignment of regulatory acts of bodies of central executive authority with the above-mentioned law and inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan about its execution within a period of five months;

1.4. Address all other issues arising from the law.

2. To establish that in accordance with Article 9.1 of the “Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands” the signing of purchase-and-sale and lease agreements on the provision of municipal lands into the ownership of the state or lease as part of the obligations arising from the international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a signatory shall be carried out by a body appointed by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall ensure that regulatory acts of central bodies of executive authority are aligned with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the introduction of changes to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands”, and inform the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Baku city, 20 October 2014

10 Dekabr 2014, 09:12

2201—2210 / 10511

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