Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on measures to ensure more effective organization of the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project

In order to ensure the operation of the Southern Gas Corridor to transport Azerbaijan’s natural gas to world markets and organize a number of services associated with the acquisition of ownership, use and lease rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project in a prompt, transparent and comfortable manner, and governed by Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I hereby resolve as follows:

1. In order to ensure effective acquisition of rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project, the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall organize provision of the following services on the part of state or municipal bodies by means of the mobile “ASAN xidmət” transport vehicles effective from 20 September 2014:

1.1. state registration of acts of civil status;

1.2. notarial activities;

1.3. issue and replacement of identification documents;

1.4. all services related to the state registration of immovable property envisaged in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the state registry of immovable property”;

1.5. provision of archive transcripts to legal entities and private individuals;

1.6. issue of land parcel plans, land structure plans for the land parcels owned by municipalities, and statements confirming rights to land parcels and other land registry services;

1.7. approval for the lease of land parcels and other immovable property managed by relevant central and local bodies of executive authority;

1.8. provision of state-owned land parcels and other immovable property on a given territory for use and lease;

1.9. receipt and issue of documents regarding the provision of land owned by a municipality on a given territory for ownership, use and lease.

2. To instruct the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Committee on Property Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Land and Cartography Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the National Department of Archives, and local executive authorities of the districts in which land parcels and other immovable property associated with the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion project are located, and to recommend the municipalities to complete the following activities by 20 September 2014:

2.1. in order to organize mobile provision of the services listed in Part 1 of the present Decree, to provide the mobile “ASAN xidmət” transport vehicles of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the necessary manpower, technical and information resources in places allocated for the vehicles;

2.2. to ensure that the employees appointed to the mobile service follow the principles of promptness, transparency, courtesy, responsibility and comfort in their work.

3. In order to ensure the necessary linkages between the information systems of the state bodies to be involved in the provision of services on the “ASAN xidmət” transport vehicles of the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Communication and High Technology of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Special State Protection Service shall provide the said transport vehicles with communication channels by 20 September 2014.

4. The State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall regularly inform the State Commission established by Order No 15 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On measures associated with the transportation of Azerbaijan’s natural gas to world markets by means of the Southern Gas Corridor” dated 29 October 2013 about the organization of mobile services listed in Part 1 of the present Decree.

5. The State Commission mentioned in Part 4 of the present Decree shall exercise control over the execution of the present Decree and inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan about the result of the work done.

6. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall address other issues arising from the present Decree.


Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Baku city, 10 September 2014. 

10 Dekabr 2014, 09:12

941—950 / 10511

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