Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has today signed a decree on measures for nominating Baku to host the European Football Championship in 2020.

According to the order, the Bid Book must be prepared for submitting to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) in accordance with the procedure of candidate nomination for hosting the European Championship Cup in 2020.

The Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan (AFFA) was instructed to prepare the Bid Book and to implement organizational operations.

The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to resolve the issues arising from this order.

According to the order, various international sports competitions, including European and World Championships are held in the country every year due to Azerbaijan's growing international authority and the attention paid to sports.

Football holds a special place among these competitions. A striking example is FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup which was held in Azerbaijan in 2012.

Baku's candidacy was put forward for holding the European Championship-2020 to promote and develop football in the country.

Holding such a grand event in Baku will help further development of football in Azerbaijan and the growth of the country's authority in the sports arena, the document said.

7 июня 2013, 15:06

3361—3370 из 3607

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