From Aniko Levai, wife of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
Her Excellency, Madam Mehriban Aliyeva, First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Dear Madam First Vice President,
Please, allow me to congratulate you on your appointment as the First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In Hungary we are extremely grateful to you for the invaluable activity you have accomplished lately. Thanks to your devoted efforts, everyday life of visually impaired children nurtured in the Roman Catholic Care Home for Blind Infants named after Laszlo Batthyany has become more bearable. I am very pleased that we have met and had the chance to get to know each other personally. I sincerely hope that in your capacity as the First Vice President the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue to support the tightening of the relations between our respective countries.
Let me full heartedly wish you success, as well as perseverance and good health, in your responsible state position. I firmly trust that I can express my sincere congratulations to you personally during my visit to Baku in March.
Aniko Levai
Wife of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
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